Bootstrap vs Foundation

September 15, 2021


When it comes to website development, choosing the right framework can make a huge difference in the user experience. Bootstrap and Foundation are two of the most popular frameworks used by web developers today. When it comes to choosing between the two, there is often a lot of debate. In this post, we will compare Bootstrap and Foundation to help you make an informed decision.


Bootstrap is a responsive framework that was launched by Twitter in 2011. It is one of the most popular frameworks used by web developers today. Bootstrap makes it easy to build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web.


  • Bootstrap has a large support community with a lot of resources available online.
  • It is easy to use and quick to set up.
  • Bootstrap has an extensive list of pre-built components and templates.
  • It is highly customizable.
  • Bootstrap code is well-organized with consistent markup and classes.


  • Bootstrap is known to be heavy, which can slow down your website's loading speed.
  • The CSS styling can be difficult to override.
  • The framework is very popular, which can make many websites look similar.


Foundation was launched by ZURB in 2011. It quickly gained a following in the web development community, and it has since become one of the most popular frameworks for responsive web design.


  • Foundation is known for its flexibility and customization options.
  • It has a comprehensive set of components and templates.
  • Foundation is optimized for mobile-first development.
  • The framework is known for its clean and modern design.


  • Foundation has a smaller support community than Bootstrap, which can make it more challenging to find useful resources.
  • The framework can be more difficult to learn how to use than Bootstrap.
  • The markup and class names in Foundation can be inconsistent.


Metric Bootstrap Foundation
Learning Curve Easy Medium
Number of Components 20 32
CSS File Size 147 KB 67 KB
Support Community Large Small
Flexibility Medium High


Both Bootstrap and Foundation are excellent frameworks that can help you create responsive and mobile-friendly websites. Bootstrap is a good choice if you want a tool that is easy to use and has extensive resources available online.

Foundation may be a better choice if you require a higher level of customization and flexibility, and you have the time to learn the more advanced features. Ultimately, both frameworks are worth considering, and the choice between the two may depend on your specific needs and preferences.


  1. Official Bootstrap website:
  2. Official Foundation website:
  3. CSS File Size Comparison:
  4. Support Community Comparison:

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